English As Form of Language and Translation World (Translation Workshop)

 Hi, how are you my friend.

It is been a while since we meet,

Hi I'm Ellene from Ellenebong29.blog.com,

And I'm here with Nadia Ardhana, Wennie Carolina and Tri Herawati.

Today we are going to disscused about "English As Form of Language and Translation World"

There is 2 main questions we are going to talk today,

1. Why English become the source language of the world?

2. What the indication of a good translation?

from our discussion, we come out with this conclusion.

1.The reason why English become the source language of the world? It is because there are several reasons why English has become an international language. 

This is because English is one of the oldest languages ​​in the world and originated from the British plains, which was around the 8th century. In addition to English being the oldest language in the world, English has a very rapid development of vocabulary. Most people consider English to be a global language because it is the one language that is spoken and understood by the majority of the population in almost every region of the world. There are also some historical factors which make English language become the global language, the 3 important history that makes English become the global language is:

1) British colonialism

2) Rise of America as a superpower

3) Decline of France (French was the previous world language)

from our discussion, you guys may already understand why English that we are using right now is known as the global language even when they are not the most spoken language if it seen with the number of speakers. The most spoken language is Mandarin which is because of the large amount of the people using them, but still, English until today still known and admitted as the global language.

In language there is millions of language in this world and not everyone can speak more than one language and it is impossible for us to understand all of the language in the world, So what is the solution for us to still can learn their culture and communicate with other part of the world with out having to learn their language?

Yes, we can read their book, watch their documentaries or even watch their movie. But with the problem of the language, what should we do?

Finding their Translated version of them is the answer. But not every translated version of book, movie or song is good , that is why we have the second question to discussed today.

2. What the indication of a good translation?

here we concluded after a long discussion together,

1. It must be Accurate
This might seem obvious, but the number of poor translations and mistranslations demonstrate that accuracy isn’t always a priority when it comes to translation. Just try and use Google Translate or any one of a number of automatic translation tools to see what happens when translation is done poorly. Words are used incorrectly. Sentences are botched. At the worst, the meanings of whole chunks of text are distorted.

2. It must be Clear
Another obvious criterion, but often disregarded. Good translations are generally compiled by good translators. Unfortunately, good translators do not always have well-written text to translate. A good translator usually clarifies a poor original project. One of the reasons for this is that many writers do not understand how to write clearly themselves. Their sentences are too long. Their paragraphs are too long. Words may not fit the people who are going to read what is written. One of the skills of a good translator is to retain the meaning of the original text yet make it easier to read.

3. The Translated Material must seem Natural
One of the qualities of a good translator is to make sure that he or she reads through what has been translated several times afterwards. This is not just to proofread what has been written and make sure there are no spelling mistakes, typos and the like, but to ensure it sounds as natural as possible. It is easy for translations to appear stilted until they are redone so that it seems smooth and easy to read.

4. The Translation must be Geared Culturally to the Audience
One of the characteristics of a good translator that makes that translator stand out from the beginner or amateur is the ability to adapt the translation to the people who are going to read it. A poor translation is not just inaccurate, unnatural and unclear, but upsets or confuses its audience. It’s true that this is not so important for all types of content. A scientific translation, for instance, has more need for accuracy and clarity than cultural adaptation. The term usually used for adapting a translation so that it is appropriate for its intended audience is localisation.

Now, are you guys understand with our topic today? I hope so, because we had so much fun discussing this topic together. We also hope you can find the joy of today discussion, and feel free to discuss it more further with us if you have any opinion on this topic.

See you

and have a wonderful day guys....

a big hug from us

Ellene, Nadia A, Tri H and Wennie C


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